Wednesday, October 12, 2005


in the days before... the dark days...there were so many things she didn't understand. she didn't know why her parents hated her so. she didn't know why she could do nothing right. she was never good enough. the grades were never good enough. the bathroom was never clean enough. the girl was never quiet enough. then she was too quiet.

in looking back the trail is clear. she can see the path as surely as blood dripping into newly fallen snow. one thing leading to another. the parents who couldn't let her out of their site for a minute. then they did and something bad happened, but they didn't believe. they couldn't believe.

the awkwardness. the shyness. the gawky teen years overexposed by drunken jokes and lewd comments. the young adult treated as a young child treated as a thing. never talk to this girl. what do we say? nothing. requests. commands. lists. rules. do this. do that. don't talk back. don't talk.

she went from being shy to being non-existant. she would melt into the corner of the classroom. please don't pick me. don't pick me. i'll write it down for you. don't make me speak. don't point me out. i'm here... i'm not here.

a teacher noticed her writing. another noticed her attitude. another noticed her mind. they were fleeting moments trapped in cinder block walls for six hours a day. then the real world came rushing back.

a job... a real job... a chance to get out of the house for a few hours a day more. a man, a boy really. he notices her. he sees past her silence. he sees her joy escaping day by day and growing as each passing hour flies by in the restaurant. could it be she is happy here?

they join and he becomes a crutch. a further escape into the night and the darkness. weeks go by and she is free in the darkness. free to be herself. free to have a voice. she doesn't recognize the voice.

they run away and get married and hide from her parents. his parents are very ensconsed in the church. they are displeased with the idea of living together but happy they've married. she tries to fit into their world. she tries to learn about this god that she's only heard about but never seen. the one she prayed to day after day and heard only echos of her own whispers in return.

children come. violence comes. small, but bitter. flash - quick. not sure why or where or when. forgiveness comes. hard.

jealousy. she has blossomed. she is a butterfly now...her cocoon has ruptured and set her free. she is coming into her own. she is starting to laugh. starting to feel some sense of he won't let her. he is green. he sees her startling beauty. more so because she doesn't see it herself. she still carries the ugly troll within her head.

he mistrusts. she is innocent. he becomes more controlling. she begins to feel the pull of her parents speaking in her mind. worthless. she fades. becomes fainter each day. he still resents. he's angry and sad. she can't help him. she rebels. they agree to disagree. they agree to live in the same space but not the same time.

she tries to live again. one, two, three, four... how many failed relationships must you have to feel less than a human being? does being raped make you less of a woman? did you ask for it? did you? they say you did. she falters. she slips. she hides in her space with a man she no longer knows and believes it is the lesser of two evils.

she gets pregnant. a third. it can't happen. there isn't enough. of anything. now she is losing a piece of herself. her body. her soul. she will never get it back. she is less than before.

how does she know god exists? because out of the darkness came a man with a pure soul. a man without a hint of anger or jealousy or hate or violence. a man who loved. simply loved. he took her in and loved her in a way no one ever had before. he held her gently. softly. a feral cat come tame at last. he nurtured her. he stroked her. he brought strength to make her strong. he brought hope to the hopeless. he cared for her children as his own. he helped her climb out of the abyss. no longer helpless.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Beautiful written. The pain, the realities, and most of all the hope shines thru.


Amanda said...

You have come a long way!
I love you.

sue said...

I love you too, honey...more than you'll ever know.

Lisa said...

What a beautiful testament to the man I assume is now your hubby. You are so brave to share these deepest parts of your soul. Thank you.

ghartstein said...

Wow...I've just caught up with your new blog...very deep and heavy stuff and you've done a wonderful job of expressing it. I hope you get the release you need!